Hey Guys, 
I always loved to run outside but I never used a fitness watch to track my heart rate, the distance or the timing. I always wanted to buy a fitness watch but when it comes to technology most of the time I am too lazy to compare every model on the market to find what is suitable for my requirements. That's why it took so long before I found the perfect model. The Fitbit Versa is available in different colors and you can change the straps easily. Not only the design of the watch is pretty even the comfort is good. Usually, I don't like to wear watches but the strap of the FitBit Versa is really flexible and soft.

Before I used the watch for the first run I downloaded the Fitbit App where I created my own profile with my personal goals. After the registration you can see an overview about your personal daily statistics like: how many floors and steps you covered, how many calories you have burned, heart rate overview, hours of sleep overview and additionally you can enter details about your meals and how much water you have drunk. There are some more options for additional details but you can decide by yourself which of them you want to fill out. What I really like about the app is that you can communicate and engage with the whole Fitbit community, to share your success and to reach your personal goal. I think it is a big motivation to share your process online to follow your goals and stay strong even in times where you want to quit. You don't need to upload anything but it is also interesting to read the stories of other Fitbit users. If you are interested to discover more about Fitbit you should check out the section "Discover" where you can find useful descriptions. In this section you have also the chance to participate in competitions with other Fitbit users. 

I used my watch already to track outside running, swimming, fitness training and for the treadmill. Soon I really want to try my watch for bicycling. We have really nice bicycling tracks in Dubai and I can't wait to try it soon. Since I got the watch I am much more motivated because after each kilometer the watch is vibrating and it feels like time flies by so much faster. Before I never had a feeling how fast or slow I run and it was really annoying to run with a phone to track the time. The watch made my life much easier and it helped me a lot to learn more about my body and the different activities  I do.

The price of the watch starts from 899 AED (in Germany the price starts from 159,95€) and I need to say that the price-performance-ratio is amazing. The battery lasts for around 4 days and you can always connect the watch with your phone to see calls, calendar invites, sms and app notifications. I was really surprised that I can use the watch even with my bluetooth headphones and it worked well.

If you want to know more about the Fitbit Versa, feel free to write me a comment. 

Thanks, Patty 

Share your thoughts :

  1. Die Smart Watch sieht wirklich toll aus und hört sich richtig gut an! Wird Zeit, dass ich mir so etwas auch mal zulege :)

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

